Friday, August 15, 2008

Meet Alfred...

Since human did not resize her own pictures yet, not that she is happy with us at the moment, One of us got inside her bag and found her bobbins with stitch yarn (& we just love yarn..)
Here is the result of that :

So we were glad her dad send us these photo's
Of Alfred, the new cat from humans parents

Alfred is about three years old and comes from the animal shelter in town


Anonymous said...

Well I am not sure if I have to reply in english, but we were fortunate that our human insisted that we go to school. We just love yarn too, but our human never leaves anything like that lying arond since we have a sister, Keiko, that eats it all up and that is too dangerous!

Purrrrrrs from us 6.

Anonymous said...

Oeps, was je 'mens' boos? (vast niet...) Maar het was vast leuk om mee te spelen ;)

Ja, dat is inderdaad de watertoren aan de Groningerstraatweg op de achtergrond. Wij wonen daar vlakbij...

Pootje van Minou

Anonymous said...


Wat een grote ondeugd ben jij zeg hihi. Weet je misschien mopperde het vrouwtje wel maar vond ze het wel leuk hoor achteraf dat je zo ondeugend bent geweest hihi.
Fijne avond allemaal

Liefs Charlie en de 4 ondeugden